It is important to know what the weather in Salamanca will be like if you are planning to visit or live here. Many people think that the weather everywhere in Spain is hot and dry year round – however this is not true for Salamanca.
Depending on the time of year, the temperature can be below 0’C to over 30’C. Whilst it is generally quite dry, it is important to still pack a rain coat or umbrella as it does occasionally rain heavily.
Spring in Salamanca
Spring tends to be quite cold with temperatures between freezing and 17’C. Snow and rain are possible!
The weather shouldn’t stop you from enjoying Salamanca, any rain will give you the perfect excuse to jump into the nearest bar to enjoy a glass of wine and some tapas!
Summer in Salamanca
Summers in Salamanca are hot! Highs of over 30’C will make you appreciate an afternoon siesta! It is unlikely to rain, but there are occasional, short-lived bouts of heavy rain.
This is the perfect time of year to laze in the parks surrounding the Roman Bridge – arguably the most beautiful view of Salamanca.
Autumn in Salamanca
The temperature at the start of Autumn is very pleasant but it will start to get cold by November. This is still a perfect time of year to continue enjoying a meal or drink outside at one of Salamanca’s many popular bar and restaurant terraces.
Winter in Salamanca
With day time temperatures of between 10’C to below 0’C it is important to pack warm winter clothes! Snow and rain are likely!
It is still a good time to walk around the city and visit Salamanca’s many attactions. However, you won’t be dining outside and you will need a periodic café con leche in one of Salamanca’s coffee shops to warm up.